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The truth is - we all face crisis - it's inevitable. 

Tandem is here for those who face it alone. 

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Tandem is cultivating a community of hope in which those in crisis come out on the other side to all of the promise that Life still has to offer.  Because the truth is - we all face crisis at some point - it's inevitable. We are there for those who face it alone.  We combine practical help with deep authentic relationships and those two things woven together are a powerful force.


While each woman who comes through our door has her own unique story, there is a common thread that weaves each of their stories together; the desire to be seen and heard; to know that their story matters.


There is something sacred that happens in that moment when the barriers come down, and we are no longer clients or staff or donors…we are just a community of people, drawn to one another for the purpose of sharing our stories in an authentic, transparent way that heals the soul.   We call it life-on-life ministry.


It’s powerful.

It’s why we are different.

It’s why what we do, works.

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“Tandem is unlike any organization I have ever experienced. From the moment I walked in the door I felt like I wasn’t just a client to them. They are kind, they are compassionate, and they are beyond genuine. They truly care about every single person that walks through their doors, because the organization was built by people who have been in the same situations as most of the women and children they connect with. They know how it feels to be scared, to feel alone, to feel like you have no other options. God gives us challenges so that someday our victories can change the lives of those around us, & Tandem is doing just that.”

"Tandem became of service to me as I began my new life in becoming a mother. The resources are a given, but the passion of the people and the willingness to serve was and is to this day remarkable. No matter what I am going through, I can enter the doors at Tandem. I know everything is going to be alright because I have the support of real women, real

mamas, and a real community to turn to.”


“It was hard to imagine that this moment could be filled with both joy and fear at the same time.  Just hours after the birth of my youngest child my - entire world fell a part.  My husband, the father of my children, dropped them off at the hospital...and never returned.   All that remained was an eviction letter and notices to shut off my utilities. Tandem is the ONLY place to go when you are a mama in need.  When I was abandoned, alone, and feeling desperate – I found love, I found hope, and I found life.  Tandem is there for your crisis, because it is not just a place to go for services, but a community to go and belong.”

“The staff at Tandem have gone above and beyond the call of duty in every single way possible. I’ve never once felt like a statistic. From the moment I walked in, they saw me...they saw my potential. I’ve been incredibly blessed to be able to work with Emily, the therapist there, and take classes with Bethany & Nicole. It’s allowed me to work through the pain of my past and to begin to create a new future. One where my son and I can thrive. And one day, I hope to be sitting exactly where you are right now, receiving a letter, with a story, and being able to change the world for another woman and her baby. Because that is what you did for me.  You changed my world.”

jess alumni
brenda alumni

“Little did I know then that this first step would be so life changing. I remember every staff member being so warm and willing to help in any way they could; it as such a cozy & safe environment. I quickly found out that it’s not just a job to these lovely women, it’s their calling. A true passion for what they do and it shows! Tandem has been such a blessing; I don’t know what I would do without them. They go above & beyond what their job requires and genuinely care about each person that walks through their doors.”


When you join the tandem community, you join us in creating

meaningful connections for mamas all over the twin cities.




4105 Chicago Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55407


Mon, Wed, Thurs

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Tuesdays by appt. only








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